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How does it work?

What is our structure?

What is a micro-church?

What does it mean for your micro-church to "join" the Collective?

What will it look like?

Outside Dinner

Localized Home Based Communities

Microchurches are authentic groups of people that meet weekly to go through life with, pray for and with, and worship God together.


For those that wish, they can use the weekly video provided by Jay & Traci as a starting point for their discussion.

Collective Gatherings

For those local in SoCal, we will gather for a monthly or quarterly Gathering and Celebration, to worship God together, share communion, and celebrate the ways God is working in our collective lives.


For the entire Collective, including those outside of SoCal, we will have an annual Collective Celebration Weekend to experience the joy of communal worship and celebration.


Generosity as a commitment

We desire to be generous to those around us and partner with God as the Spirit does its work in the world. We encourage all of our microchurches to make sure the other believers in your community have their needs met, and then to partner with organizations that are bringing the good news of Jesus to the poor, proclaiming freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, and freedom for the oppressed.

Other questions? 

Send us an email!
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